I couldn't sleep the other night so I got up and was doing some things around the house and came back to find my husband and baby sleeping like this. It was so cute I had to take a picture! It was way dark in the room so I was lucky to get this shot, my camera screen was completely black and I knew with the flash I only had one chance to get it in case one or both woke up. I got lucky, the shot turned out and neither woke up, Willie didn't even know I had taken it until I showed him!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Daddy and Tyson
Posted by Traughber's at 1:52 PM 3 comments
Monday, December 29, 2008
Body World
Saturday Willie and I decided to go to the body worlds exhibit. Willie was really excited to go, I was less so, but decided I would support Willie. Willie's mom Sheryl wanted to go as well as his cousin Kim. The tickets were pretty pricey, and more so due to Willie's mom purchasing them thru a separate vendor who then charged an additional fee..anyway, our tickets were for 3 PM there was no street parking so we parked in the library which was very close but also had to pay for that..so as we get into the Leonardo museum there are lines everywhere! We were sent to the basement to wait in a line..we had brought the stroller which was mostly a good thing but elevators weren't very accessible so we carried the stroller up and down many stairs, we waited in about three different very long lines. They did have an entertainment of sorts in one of the lines. Projected on the wall was a skeleton who would have a comment box saying what people texted it. Which I particularly thought was interesting due to someone texting it saying the blonde in the white jacket was hot, and since I was the only one in the line wearing a white jacket everyone assumed it was me..which I was ok with, and I know Willie didn't do it because he had left before we moved to this line to go get me some hot chocolate. It was nice to get a compliment from a complete stranger who I will probably never know. Anyway...if you do end up going go to the bathroom first, the bathrooms within the Leonardo stink, and they have trailers that are very much like port o potties..or however you spell it.
After waiting in an hour and a half of lines you can finally go in, you can choose to purchase a headphone speach guide or you can just not be lazy and read all the different things about all the different body parts. None of us chose to buy them, but my mother in law talked a lady out of hers in the museum. It was very crowded inside, and very hot. You pretty much had to fight your way to see anything, and if you were standing too far back from anything someone would come stand in front of you. I thought it would be a museum full of bodies, but it actuallity there were only about 10 full bodies. There were body parts everywhere, and other cool things like the fetus section which was probably the best part besides the full bodies. Oh and this isn't really a museum for kids or those that are skiddish of body parts..there are genital areas on all of the full bodies, and they don't really hide anything..the men hang down and the women stick out haha if that makes any sense.
My experience might have been made worse due to my mother in law deciding she needed to read every caption to every little thing..which would have taken 6 hours at least. We were halfway thru the top half of the museum while she was still at the very first case full of parts..yes she was very slow, and it irritated me very much! Considering she was the only one with nursing school you would think she would know more than us and not have much of a need to read every little detail..but she is Sheryl..
Looking back would I do it again, No. It was very crowded both inside and out so to even enjoy the inside was difficult, it was VERY expensive, and inconvenient. Yeah it was cool to see certain things but is it worth it, I would say no. Just my opinion if your thinking about going.
Posted by Traughber's at 4:07 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
First Outfit
My sister sent me these pictures at the hospital when Willie took my camera to his work to show off the pictures we had. I love them they are so cute! He didn't enjoy it too much but he doesn't like getting dressed much now. I don't look fantastic so don't pay attention to me! This first one is my favorite!
Posted by Traughber's at 11:43 AM 1 comments
Kidney Transplant
Right now my dad and sister are in surgery doing a kidney transplant. Its finally happening, but its a very nerve wracking time for my family especially my mom and my sisers husband and her three kids that are old enough to know that its a serious thing. Please keep them in your prayers! Most of us will be gathering to the hospital for the next few days, and the holidays will just be different this year. We love both of them so much, and can only hope and pray the surgery goes well. Hope the best for all of you!
Posted by Traughber's at 11:20 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 22, 2008
My Birthday!
My poor dad is so sick, he wont admit it but we can all tell. Laura Ashley snapped this shot as I was opening my birthday gifts. We are just praying the surgery goes well for both him and Jami.
December 20th..wow I can't believe another year has passed, everyone keeps thinking im only 22..haha. No 23 feels the same really. The only difference is im a mom now haha whether that makes me feel more grown up or not I can't tell. We celebrated my birthday at Jami's house, then my parents, Jami, Brandon, and Laura Ashley went to Tepanyaki for dinner, which was so good! Due to my dad and Jami being in the hospital for Christmas, we returned to Jami's house and celebrated Christmas with everyone. We are such a blessed family!
Posted by Traughber's at 11:15 AM 4 comments
My Cute Little Boy
I am amazed at the ease of being a mom..I mean litterally its not easy, but the transtion has been almost effortless. It is the most natural thing to me to be a mom! I don't really know how to explain it better than that. I love holding him and cuddling with him, and he snuggles up to me, and I feel empty when he isn't with me. He is so funny, his expressions constantly make me laugh! As for who he looks like, I think he has Willie's face shape and lips, I think he has my nose, ears, and some expressions I can claim! He has big eyes, and they are so incredible to look at, their coloring is light blue that spreads to a deep blue, and even though its creepy when he stares at you sometimes its still rather cute! I sit with him for hours and never get bored of him. I love how right before he falls asleep he gets a huge grin on his face like he is remembering something very happy or going to a happy place either or but I love it! I get to see it every night after feedings. He is getting so chunky haha many people wouldn't say that, but as I see him everyday I notice! Bath time is fun because he enjoys it so much! He just doesn't like the cold after. Willie has been a huge support and loves to spend time with him, he beggs me to let him feed and change him! He always wants Daddy time! Its amazing how our lives have changed so much and yet to me it feels normal and like its the right thing. My life doesn't feel hollow anymore.
We love sharing him with everyone! I love to visit family and friends and see the joy on their faces as they hold him and the love everyone feels for him is amazing! I have everyone offering to baby sit for me! I try not to be over protective of him, but If you catch me doing it just tell me and ill stop! I love being a mom and dressing him in cute clothes! I need to take more pictures, but I do make sure to the the best ones!
Posted by Traughber's at 10:30 AM 2 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
Christmas Stocking
My dad and I were talking a few days before I had him about how I had come home in a Christmas Stocking and how cool it would be if my little one got to do the same thing, I told him I didn't think they would due to me having him so early in December..I was wrong, and it made me cry when they brought him back from his bath in a Christmas Stocking..I was so excited to show my dad!
Posted by Traughber's at 1:54 PM 4 comments
Willie's cousin Kim, she has been a great support to Sheryl and us and has come and supported me thru this whole thing! Thanks Kim!
My proud parents! They tried so hard to be there for me, and I felt bad they missed it, but they were able to see him as soon as they arrived! It was great!
Willie's brother Jake..he was way excited, he was texting us all day asking when he would arrive, he even took off early from work to come see him!
Sheryl stayed an extra hour to get this picture, the Grandma picture she says, my parents were in Vegas and got back as soon as they could!
Heather came down, even though she had some major problems getting here! I am so grateful for a loving family!
Posted by Traughber's at 1:36 PM 1 comments
Welcome Tyson Lee
They brought me a sandwich after they took him away to clear his lungs of the fluid, and I don't like smoked meat, but I was starving so I was shoving my face full of food I didn't even stop for the picture, my mother in law Sheryl arrived right after they had taken him away, so she had to wait for a while to hold him.
Posted by Traughber's at 1:26 PM 1 comments
My hospital story
You can see Jami in the background, they had a nutricion room to which they raided often, lots of free food and drinks! I was jealous however because I couldn't eat anything. Jami was awesome with helping me monitor contractions and progress thru my labor, it probably wouldn't have gone as smoothly without her! Thanks to both my sisters for their support and the hours they spent with me when I know they could have been doing so much more! Brandon also brought lunch in which was great cause Willie really needed to eat too, and he was refusing before this point.
This is after I was fully dialated and effaced and at stage 2 out of 3, at 3 you can see the head crowning, so I was close at this point.
We arrived at Orem Community Hospital just before 5 AM I couldn't sleep at all! I ended up falling asleep around 12:30 and woke up alot but by the time my alarm went off at 4 I was awake waiting for it to go off cause that meant that I could get ready to have my baby! There was no one to help us check in so as we were instructed we picked up the phone to ask for assistance..it just rang and rang for about 5 min and a guy was entering and was about to just let us in when the nurse finally picked up. Come to find out there were 2 other women to be addmitted at 5 and the nurses were very short staffed.
They got us into a room handed me a gown and left again. I was so nervous I couldn't even tie the strings to my gown! I am such a wimp when it comes to pain, and I knew the first thing they would do when they got back was put in my IV, keep in mind I have never been a patient in a hospital before and it was all very new strange and in my mind painful. Finally the nurse came back, and she was training a new person but thankfully for me the trainee was just watching instead of practicing. They found the vein for my IV on my left had wrist..which was awkward placement I thought, but my knowing husband just instructed me that everyone's veins are in different places. So she hooks me all up, and yes it hurt but it wasn't that bad, there was however a continuing pain, and after the nurse left I told Willie, and he noticed there was a puddle of blood in the plastic holding the IV in, when the nurse came back we told her, and she pushed the IV in a bit further and tightend a piece on it that was loose apparently..but she taped it all together rather rough looking so I had tape all over my arm holding tubes in..it was great.
They started the pitocin drip gradually, and checked it and increased it every hour. I felt the contractions soon, and on the charts they were crazy big but just felt like pressure to me. So Willie and I hung out for an hour or two then started a movie. The previous night I had asked my brother in law if he would be willing to come give me a blessing to which he said he would as soon as they got up and ready, so I kept waiting for their text to say they were coming. About 1/4 thru the movie and almost right at 8 I got my first real contraction..and can I tell you it was the worst pain I have ever felt in my life! I immidiatedly told Willie to get the nurse I wanted that epidural and I wanted it NOW! He started laughing at me because anyone that knows me well knows that ill tough out pain if i can, I would rather not take pills or anything else for pain. So he went to get her, and was back in a few min to tell me they would call the anesthesiologist. I was dying and a different nurse came in to check on me cause my other nurse was busy, and she was very surprised that I had progressed as quickly as I had, she checked me, and I was dialated to a 5! She was like we need to get your nurse in here and ill tell the doctor to come faster, you are in real pain! I instructed Willie to call my brother in laws because I needed help right away. My nurse came in and was surprised as well at my progression and my level of pain..as she was adjusting my IV the doctor came in and started talking to me about the epidural with the risks etc..i was having a hard time paying any attention due to my pain..as soon as my contraction was done I signed the paper as fast as I could and got myself into position to receive the most painful shot of my life as it would seem. I received a local anesthetic first which felt exactly like a bee sting, and I cried out so loud the nurse gave me a pillow to grip for the next shot, I was gripping it so hard and breathing into it and having a contraction that I found myself unable to breathe thru all this I was able to stay still, and didn't even realize that the shot had gone in and the doctor was done. I was put on oxygen after that and had to keep it on the rest of my labor. I started to feel alot of pressure after that, but the pain was slowly going away, I had my button for pain to which I pushed alot in the beginning! About five min later I was feeling AMAZING! My sisters arrived soon after, and administered a blessing of comfort and that my delivery would go smoothly and that I would be able to deal with what was to come after. It was an amazing blessing and it gave me confidence that I could do this! The doctor came in after that to check me and break my water. We found out at this point that he was facing up not down like he was supposed to, and it wasn't a big deal the doctor would just have to turn him before he came out. My sisters stayed with me and Willie the rest of the time.
Posted by Traughber's at 12:10 PM 0 comments
Doctor Appointment
So I went to the doctor on the 3rd, my due date, and expected the worse. I figure if I don't expect anything to happen it will, and when I do it wont. So I meet with the doctor who will be the delivering doctor who I have only seen once before. He checks me and is like hmm..mm hmm yes. So me being the curious type say has anything changed? Yes he says your dialated to a 2 and you are about 80% effaced..hmm I thought to myself..he must have big hands because my normal doctor says im a 3..but I was effaced more so that was good news. So he says he will be right back, and im like uh ok..so the nurse comes in and checks the heartrate..which was normal then tells me to get dressed and the doctor will be back in a min. So I do as im told and am just curious about this whole thing, but I don't dare to get my hopes up. So like 5 min later (which seemed like an eternity to me) the doctor came back and was like well we are going to induce you see you at 5AM tomorrow. Im like What are you serious..and he was like yes, unless your going to chicken out.. and im like oh no ill be there! Needless to say it was a good doctors appointment.
Posted by Traughber's at 12:05 PM 3 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
40 Weeks
Hello this week i will officially hit my due date, which is Wednesday, and today is Monday, and my body is very done. I have had alot more trouble sleeping at night, and I can't even sleep during the day anymore, im so exhausted..I pretty much just sat around all day today because everytime I got up to do something I got too worn out just doing little things which Willie and I thought might be a sign of labor or something but im still here still pregnant. I think all the "official" ways to naturally induce labor are crap cause I have tried most of them that I feel are safe and ya well you all know the result of that..Sorry this is a depressing post but thats how I feel haha so just keeping you updated. Ill post if my doctor says anything new on Wednesday. However this is good news for my parents who WENT OUT OF TOWN TODAY..ugh haha I don't even want to go there.
Posted by Traughber's at 5:35 PM 6 comments
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Fun at the zoo
Brandon would stick his hand out and the pelicans would try to bite it, it was so funny to watch! They also made these funny sounds..its incredible how big their mouths are!
This was our last stop at the zoo, I was so exhausted from walking for hours that there isn't much expression to show haha! It was a long but fun day!
The elephants were eating, it was way cool! One of them is pregnant, and you can't tell, but I should feel lucky, elephants have to be pregnant for 2 YEARS! YIKES! I'm just feeling picked on for 9 months..
This was all of us in the White Alligator house, but there was no animals in there? You would think they would have some sort of sign posted saying that? Anyway if you can see my belly is HUGE!
We went to the Hogle Zoo on the 26th, it was a free day so we all got to go! It has been years since I have been there! It was very fun to see all the animals, plus it was ALOT of walking so I had high hopes that it would chuck me into labor..well as im still here still very pregnant that didn't work! Anyways haha we had lots of fun, and I have some very fun pictures.
Posted by Traughber's at 11:53 AM 3 comments