Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sick Baby

This was a picture my friend Sarah sent to me as we were going to the pool, it isn't when he is sick, but I thought it was so cute I would add it anyway.

Tyson had to be touching me somehow, and I managed to catch this one before he moved.

I was trying to get him to fall asleep so I turned off all the lights, and I couldn't see anything, and I just pointed the phone at him and snapped the photo, I thought these were cute so i added them. Keep in mind its like 11 PM when I took these. At least he wasn't crying then.

Tyson has been sick the last few days which has been so hard cause he has been so dependant on me. He always wants to be held, and last night he couldn't breathe well laying down so I had to hold him up most the night. Im so tired today! Every time he coughs you can just hear all the congestion in his throat and lungs. He sneezes all the time and has snot shoot out. I can be grateful he is getting it out, but its so gross right now. I feel so bad for my little man! He is such a good kid though! When he has medicine in him you can tell because he starts babbling and crawling around like normal, then when it starts to wear off he needs me to hold him and make him feel better again. The only good thing about this is I have got to spend the last two days with him and I love that! I miss him so much when im working! I just need a miracle then I wont have to work anymore and can stay home with him all the time!