Monday, October 26, 2009

Home for Sale!

So we have our House up for sale! Kind of exciting, kind of nerve wracking, but if you know anyone looking we are selling for $150,000.00.
And yes I raked the leaves twice today would never know..

Autum Fun!

Today I decided to take on the project of raking up all the leaves, I had mowed the lawn last monday so all the leaves had fallen within a week! I had such a huge pile, but I was bound and determined to get them all in the garbage can before the truck came to take it away! I had a pile probably as big as two garbage cans, but I was gonna get them all in my half full garbage can! I stompped and stompped on them until I got them all in! I was impressed with myself, but the neighbors laughed at me every time I got in the garbage can to jump the leaves down. Oh well it was worth it! Anyway Tyson got bored of his jumpie, so I brought him outside and before I knew it he was sitting in my pile of leaves having a blast playing in them!

Camille's cut and Color!

This friday we went to Mom's and Camille got a cut and color! She is a new woman! We didn't quite get the color right, but we will in a few weeks! This is the before picture, I have the after on my phone, I just don't know how to get it off without Willie's help ill post it soon!

Happy baby!

After church I set Tyson down and was getting some food ready, and he looked so cute just sitting there I had to take some pictures!

Tyson is eating real food now, but he sure does make a mess! His poop stinks way more though! Just thought you should know!

Tyson Loves his bath times! I never remember to grab the camera before I put him in though im too scared to leave him in there alone but this is a picture after the bath!

Tyson is so cute! I love him so much! He brings me so much joy!

Myron and Tyson

Willie went to visit his friends in Layton, and I guess Tyson was being really fussy and wouldn't go to anyone, but Myron wanted to hold him anyway, and Tyson loved it! How funny! I think Tyson knew Myron was closer to God than anyone and it made him feel safe!

Tyson's first Haircut

A few weeks ago I had Jami, Michelle, Mom, Brandon and a few other people over to help clean my yard up, while we were taking a break we decided to give Tyson his first haircut, which was desperately needed! His hair was out of control!