Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Provo Baby Shower

This is my cousin Jessica and her friend Money (I don't know if I spelled that right). I have so many people around that I love! I'm so glad they both came! I rarely ever see them so its awesome when I do get the chance!

I received so many cute outfits! I'm so excited to try them all on my little one! Willie is also excited to have the baby here where he can physically touch him, he is bored with the kicking tummy!

As usual my mother in law Sheryl did way too much for me! She home made me 3 new quilts! She had already gotten me a crib set, and bought me my crib and changing table WOW I know! I am very loved!

This Bassinet was given to me by Gina my sister Jami's sister in law, and i'm so grateful for it! I needed one so bad! I don't know if you can see their faces but next to me is my awesome friend Jamie who made me the cutest quilt and the socks and shoes she got me were everyone's favorite! Next to her is my sister Jami and her sister in law Gina who gave me the Bassinet.

Thank You AGAIN everyone that came and supported me! THANKS to my family for having both the showers for me! I love the stroller and car seat you went in on for me! Its awesome!