Friday, July 24, 2009

Random Phone Pictures

This was the picture I sent to everyone announcing Tyson's birth!

Tyson likes to dress up in Daddy's hats!

Funny Face!

This is Tyson in his basinett, we decided he is getting to big for it!

I was watching Wyatt, and he zonked out after our walk, he was too tired to eat his sandwich which is still in his hand!

This is Tyson's first mowhawk!

Just a sweet pic of my baby sleeping!

Tyson wearing his hat like uncle Jake does.

Another funny face.

Look a how big that binki looks!

Tyson in his preemie outfit.

Bundled up after a bath!

His football outfit

First outfit at the hospital!

This is when he started holding his own bottle.

We borrowed the outfit from Michelle, and Willie bought Tyson some beanies, and what do ya know they matched!

Sleepy smiles!


Kevin, Michelle and Jamin Gilbert said...

Cute pics! I can't belive he is getting so big- he was just born!

Jami Biorge said...

Look how fast time goes by...